Amin Yousefi


Amin Yousefi (Iran, 1996) lives and works in London. He holds an MA in Documentary Photography from the University of Westminster. He has participated in several international group exhibitions, awards and prizes. His recent project, “Eyes Dazzle as They Search for the
Truth” was selected as a finalist of the Carte Blanche Awards at Paris Photo in 2022. His work has been published in magazines such as Aperture, Hapax and Source. He also was selected as an Ag Galerie Talent for his work titled, “Life, Death and Other Similar Things” in 2019 which was exhibited in a solo show at Ag Galerie. A native of Abadan in the province of
Khuzestan, Iran’s most oil-rich region and the scene for Iran’s bloody war with neighbouring Iraq, Yousefi’s work deals with themes related to the social-political landscape, the violence against protests in the middle east, story-making through hidden archives, effects of war and
how the act of photography can conceptually mirror the structures of these relationships.

Eyes Dazzle as They Search for the Truth